Title: The Fall of the Circus (Working Title) Team: Ji Young Chun, Chris Hall
Concept: We are creating an immersive experience that approaches some of the history and the ultimate downfall of the circus. The viewer will enter the circus and be shown some of the most compelling illusions that drove crowds to view these showcases. Our goal for this piece will be for the viewer to experience an inviting time capsule that attempts challenge the way they think about the circus by providing a different perspective on its once showy demeanor.
We will have four circus tents that the viewer can roam freely within. We will use lighting, sound and smoke queues to attempt to guide the viewer, however. Each tent has a different story and illusion to explore spatially in both a visual and an audible sense.
Below are the ideas for each tent:
Wireframe + Interaction
Ji create a rough example of what the layout will look like in Unity:
The elephant was captured at Hubert's Dime Museum & Flea Circus in NYC and was turned into a 3D model with the software called PhotoScan (now called Metashape).