Hourly Comic For our first Collective Narrative assignment, we were asked to document one full day, hour by hour, in any format desired.
I decided to record and collect my day on Saturday January 28, 2017. I did my best to go about my day the way I would any other day and not try to curate it as a result of documenting it, even though I was definitely self conscious about whether or not I was doing enough things of interest.
The daily format that I usually like to abide by is the following:
- Take a look at the news, even if the events are difficult to read about it
- Get outside. Going from building to subway to building doesn't count. Spend some good quality time outside.
- Do something active.
- Practice to get better at something.
- Evaluate: if there is something from your day that you don't like, try to take an action to make some part of it better. **this is a new one for me.
For this assignment, I took a photograph every waking hour, on the hour. I also tried to record some audio in each environment so that it can help immerse the individual viewing this hourly comic experience.
My alarm goes off and I immediately snap this photo and record my groggy voice.
It's hard to get up after a Friday night out in NYC, but I have a busy day so I need to get a move on.
After grabbing a quick breakfast, I grab my computer and look at the most recent news source so I can check #1 off my list. Floored by the immigrant ban. No words.
My alarm goes off on my phone for me to take my next photo and the hourly comic has found me on my 30-minute walk to a new coffee shop. Check #2 off the list.
I spent some time in this cute little coffee shop in Greenwich Village to get some reading done for next week's classes
There's this great dollar and craft store close to campus that i like just wondering around in. It's so mesmerizing. For this trip I actually needed some supplies for a potential upcoming project, so I decided to drop in here as it was very close to where I had coffee.
This is what I'm looking at 3PM. Saddened by what is going on, but feeling better because of the amount of people that are sharing their support. Because I have a busy evening, I feel bad that I can't be there also to support the issue. No words. No audio.
To try to get the news off my mind, I head to my aerial silks class. Check #3 off my list.
I forgot to record audio in this space. The audio would be 'tin-y' and 'echo-y' anyway, so it's probably better that I didn't ;)
The comic caught me just when I was just pulling my home-made, sour dough crust pizza out of the oven. The pizza crust is something that I've been trying to perfect for many months now. This one was good, but I still have to work at it. Accomplishing #4
I took the subway to Brooklyn to video record an ITP alumni-hosted event called Mixed Signals - an evening for electronic music, performance and art.
This is the event space and at this time I was setting up and ensuring that the gear was working well.
8PM - 9PM
The performers were fantastic! Have a listen to one of the pieces in the audio sample below.
Matt Romein, an ITP resident, was the headliner and performed In Triplet, a custom slit-scan based audio/visual sampler.
After a long evening of shooting, I took this blurry picture from a Lyft car driving over the Brooklyn bridge on my way back to Midtown Manhattan. No audio. Just rest.
By the time I got home from the shoot I remembered all the awful things that were happening and I wanted to do something that might help the situation. I just wanted to do something. I remembered that there were these post cards that you could print to send to your senator. Here's the link so that resource if you're interested I'm hoping even the small things that everyone does will ultimately compound into some positive change. #5 completed
Music Cred: Rockin' in the Free World - Neil Young.