Class 3 Readings

I really enjoyed Hans Rosling's talk about the importance of data.  I think he did a great job of demonstrating this in his presentation. The quote that really hit home for me and that I think most applies to the projects in this class is when Hans mentioned that "the improvement of the world needs to be highly contextualized. It cannot be considered at a regional perspective".

When I met with my group for the midterm, we looked at this question critically in regards to our task.  Here is the task that we were given:

At first we started to solve the problem and then we realized that we needed to specifically define who the person was that we were transferring the money to.  If it were to be to individuals in Africa, there are a wide spread of individuals of different demographics and access in that country.  After defining the individual with the following parameters: a person who makes (household) about 60-100usd per month with no bank access.  This very much helped to better approach this assignment.


Perception + Isadora

Two point perspective

Linear perspective is a depth cue that is related to both relative size and the next depth cue, texture gradient. In linear perspective parallel lines that recede into the distance appear to get closer together or converge. Take the animation below. Initially, the scene appears flat.

This two point perspective uses the above concept to draw cubes using dots on the horizon and parallel lines to create depth in the image.

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset


Getting Familiar with Isadora

Layering effect with video and images

Using the live-feed feature with Video Watcher node and projector node


FairyTales as Myths, Myths as Fairy Tales

I have to admit that this week's readings in regards to what Walt Disney did to the original fairy tale stories shocked me. I was unaware of how he manipulated them which saddens me.  I think this quote from the reading sums it up better that I could: "[Disney's] close adaption of fairy tales with patriarchal codes indicate that all the technical experiments would not be used to foster social change in America, but to keep power in the hands of individuals like himself, who felt empowered to design and create new worlds." Many of the characters in Disney's films were adapted to subtly tell his own story and he often injected himself into characters.  He also often changed main story concepts to emphasis the woman's role in the story was to be the home keeper, and to focus on class segregation.

For our assignment, we were to create a story board for our tale and represent two major instances in our stories into a physical model.

Below is the beginning of my story board


And here is my very bad attempt at making a popup version of two of the most important scenes:

Scene 1: Cheeto Face taking over the land of Gamehendge and announcing himself as king.  He pollutes the waters and starts to knock down the forest to build a city.

Scene 3: When Colonel Forbin decides to decent into the world of Gamehendge.  This video is supposed to be the cellar hatch that appears in the bodega